The EuroGOOS HFR Task Team has fresh news


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The EuroGOOS High Frequency Radar (HFR) Task Team has already published the 5th issue of its newsletter.

This newsletter brings together the progress from several research projects and their results, publications, joint research initiatives and past conferences and workshops from the last semester. Readers will also be able to find current and upcoming funding opportunities, jobs and fellowships as well as upcoming events and new HFR installations.

In this issue, our snapshot stories will help you to discover more about the HFR network for mainland Portugal, many of the outcomes of the successful Radar On RAIA project and the two companion papers developed in the context of MONGOOS-HFR. In addition, the European HFR community would like to congratulate Daisy Pemba García, on winning the “Modesto Vigueras 2022 Price” second place.

SOCIB, AZTI and INTECMAR are in charge of the edition and the dissemination of the newsletter, and was assisted by contributions from the HFR community and benefited from the support of Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet, EuroGOOS, pt-PROTECMA and IOOS.

Enjoy reading!

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