PYME francesa especializada en biorremediación de contaminantes en residuos líquidos busca socios (laboratorios, empresas, centros de investigación) que trabajen con radionucleidos para implementar su solución biológica


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Fecha límite: 26/06/2022

The company is looking for entities for research cooperation agreement.(laboratories, companies, research centers) working with radionuclides in the nuclear energy, the nuclear medicine or food irradiation to implement their biological solution : biological treatment of radionuclides with natural and specific micro-organisms.
The French company has worked in the past in the treatment of nuclear waste effluents and significantly neutralized Caesium 137.
They possess a storage of numerous specific and natural micro-organisms that they selected and isolated regarding their properties for bioremediation.
The micro-organisms uses pollution as food which stimulates its metabolic system.
The pollutant can then be neutralized thanks to the transformation into harmless isotopes, or even transformed into an interesting element which can be valorized.

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