MONITOOL European project


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The MONITOOL European project ( aims to respond to European Directive demands for the assessment of chemical status of transitional and coastal waters, allowing the use of passive sampling devices (PSDs) in a regulatory context, enhancing the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD). As part of the consortium, we are preparing the FINAL MONITOOL CONFERENCE which will be held on 17th May 2021. More info:

We think that you could be interested in the final results of the MONITOOL project as they improve the implementation of the WFD. For this reason, we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in this conference. In this sense, we would be very grateful if you could fill a questionnaire (link below) which will take you only a few minutes, but it would be very helpful to organize the conference to get the best benefit for the participants.

Link to the questionnaire:

Deadline to answer this questionnaire: April 23, 2021

We will send you more details of the event and the registration link shortly.

Thank you very much and best regards,



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