EuroGOOS HFR Task Team’s newsletter of the summer is out


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Twice a year, the EuroGOOS High Frequency Radar (HFR) Task Team releases a free email newsletter with the most up-to-date news, publications, and events from the European HFR community.

The summer 2021 newsletter#3 was published on the 19th of July, and it brings the HFR community the latest on three main topics: i) sustainability (i.e. happy stories, open and forthcoming calls, job & internship opportunities and how-to guide); ii) products and services (i.e. list of basic products); iii) ongoing research and opportunities (i.e. recent publications, several project status updates; past and upcoming events).

In addition, this third release includes five stories that go along with each of the pictures shared from many of the collaborators. These Snapshot stories briefly summarize past events (i.e. FerryBox and HF radar online workshop, SICOMAR+ Summer School), describe new HF sites installations (i.e. in Mimizan -France- and in Licata -Sicily, Italy-) as well as present the recently proposed European HFR network governance structure.

The edition and publication of the newsletter is one of the tasks being carried out in the context of the EuroGOOS HFR Task Team, aiming to keep the community updated on the latest findings, ongoing initiatives and projects and to boost interactions and collaborations (internally and externally), thus helping to build the HFR community. SOCIB, AZTI and INTECMAR are in charge of the newsletter’s edition and dissemination in collaboration with all members from the HFR community and with the support of CMEMS- In Situ TAC, EMODnet-Physics and EuroGOOS. This time, it is also expected to be included in the next release of the Eyes on the Ocean bi-weekly newsletter from the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS)

Suscribete a nuestra newsletter

Suscríbete a nuestro boletín y te mantendremos al día de las últimas novedades en materia de protección de la costa y el medio marino.


Responsable: CETMAR

Finalidad: Brindarte la mejor experiencia posible cuando adquieras nuestros productos y utilices nuestros servicios.

Destinatarios: Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal.

Plazo de conservación de los datos: Hasta que no solicites su supresión.

Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos recogidos en nuestra política de privacidad.
