Convocatoria DG ECHO 2020 – Prevention and Preparedness in Civil Protection and Marine Pollution


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The purpose of this Call for Proposals is to identify and finance projects aimed at strengthening cooperation among Member States on disaster prevention and preparedness. Under this Call for Proposals, funding may be awarded to projects submitted under two separate topics: (i) Prevention and preparedness for crossborder risks and (ii) Prevention and Preparedness for Marine Pollution at sea and on shore, each with its respective objectives, priorities and available budgets.

The overall indicative amount made available under this call for proposals is 6.000.000€.

Topic 1: Prevention and Preparedness for Cross-border Risks.

This topic aims to enhance cross-border disaster risk management through prevention and preparedness in Europe and EU Neighbourhood countries. Aplicants are invited to focus on one of the following call priorities (specific objectives):

Priority 1: Developing cross-border risk assessments

Priority 2: Enhancing cross-border emergency management

  1. A) Internal budget: 2.000.000€ for projects targeting Member States
  2. B) External budget: 1.000.000€ for projects targeting IPA beneficiaries not participating in the Mechanism, European Neighbourhood Policy countries and Member States.

Topic 2: Prevention and Preparedness for Marine Pollution At-See and On-Shore

This topic aims to enhance prevention of and protection from the effects of maritime disasters.

Aplicants are invited to focus on one of the following call priorities (specific objectives):

Priority 1: Developing response capacity for marine pollution incidents

Priority 2: Enhancing regional and cross-sectorial coordination

  1. A) Internal budget: 2.000.000€ for projects targeting Member States.
  2. B) External budget: 1.000.000€ for projects targeting IPA beneficiaries not participating in the Mechanism, European Neighbourhood Policy countries and Member States


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