Blue Entrepreneurship Programme 2021


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Fecha límite: 28/02/2021


In the Framework of the MarENet project, we are launching a Blue Entrepreneurship Programme to foster innovative business ideas in the Blue Economy sector across the Atlantic Frontage (Ireland, France & Spain).

Through the implementation of this entrepreneurship programme, the MarENet consortium seeks to strengthen candidate’s business skills and help them to develop the tools required for implementing a new business idea related to the marine environment.

This program of mentoring and training for entrepreneurship will have a duration of approximately 10 months, and will provide participants with the tools and skills required to develop their business ideas into potential realities.


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    Plazo de conservación de los datos: Hasta que no solicites su supresión.

    Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos recogidos en nuestra política de privacidad.

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