SYMPOSIUM – Shaping the future of Maritime Spatial Planning


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The CPMR General Secretariat, with the support of Murcia Region,  organises a Symposium in the framework of the REGINA-MSP project, 30 April 2024, in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) in Brussels. 

The CPMR is acting as a partner in the REGINA MSP project, aiming at supporting the role of regional authorities, including those of insular authorities, in the preparation and implementation of maritime spatial plans, in the framework of the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive 2014/89/EU. 

The symposium will take stock of the state of play in the implementation of the MSP Directive by focusing on challenges and opportunities related to the impacts of the Green Deal and to the need to move towards a more effective and innovative multi-level governance in the Maritime National Plans. It will gather high-level speakers from EU institutions, international organisations and regional authorities. 

The symposium will also provide an opportunity to identify good practices and draw a wider perspective of the key role played by regional authorities and the necessity to ensure a proper integration of regional needs and perspectives in the Maritime National Plans in the years to come. 

The outcomes of the event will be used by the CPMR General Secretariat to draft policy recommendations to be presented during the project Final Conference in October 2024. The event will also provide tangible elements on MSP that could support the involvement of the CPMR in the Horizon Europe Ocean Mission. 

The event will be in person only from 9.00 to 13.00 (CET), with interpretation in English, Spanish, French and Italian. Following the event, a light networking buffet will be proposed to the participants in front of the conference room until 14.00. 

Seats are limited! Please register online by 23 April to take part in the event

ONLINE REGISTRATION (open until 23 April) 



Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact and  

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